Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jillian Card #7 Workout

Gosh this one was a lot of leg work and didn't seem easy like last weeks workout. I did try to encourage my mom during one exercise card and had her try the burpees for 10 seconds instead of just skipping that one. I did try to do every exercise even if I could do only a few reps for instance the scorpion push up I could only do 3 or 4, the burpees I could do only 4 (she has you start out in plank position, jump to a squat and then jump in the air and then come down in a squat back to the plank). I almost can do the jump squats correctly so that is something that I know I need to improve on. The other exercise I didn't do was a pylo push up where you clapped your hands together in the air, I did regular push ups three sets of 7 instead.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Okay, I didn't know what burpees were, but hearing you describe them, I don't think I could do them because some of my parts might fall out.